I am often surprised by the fact that how easily, we humans lie. We just lie without thinking about the after effects... And one lie leads to another and that to another and the chain continues.
Well some say sometimes we lie to loved ones b'coz, Truth hurts. But what if they find out the truth from someone else?? Wouldn't that be painful.. Will your loved one trust u again?? Can they ever talk to the same way they use to.. Can they have the same amount of faith on you as they had before.
I guess the answer is NO... There is no place for lies in a relationship.. No relationship can stand on lies... It makes the foundation of the relationship weak... Love and trust are inseparable. One can't exist without the other... Once the trust is gone.. the other vanishes..
I can say one thing for sure... of course TRUTH HURTS.... but LIES KILL.
All I can say is never lie to you loved ones.. maybe truth hurts... may be they will feel bad for a day or two or a week knowing the truth but a lie will keep them hurting for the rest of their life..