Couple of days ago I went to Washington D.C. with my cousin. We had some time so we decided to go and see the place where the world's most "powerful man" lives... Yes the "White House". There were a lot of people taking pictures of the White House. We were standing there taking pictures and suddenly we heard some slogans. In the park on the other side of the sidewalk I saw some people wearing the prisoner's clothes, the orange ones and faces covered with black masks.
Seeing all this was like a new experience to me. People actually protesting that too infront of the White House. The place started getting busy and crowded. SWAT teams came into place. Police cars, Secret Service Vehicles, everything was like I am in a movie. The people protesting which was about closing of the Guantanamo Bay started moving towards the White House. The stood right outside the wall and the SWAT people started moving other people away from the sidewalk.
I was also on the same side of the sidewalk when a SWAT person shouted, "This sidewalk is closed. Move to the other side." I was thinking," Oops !! This is going to be fun."

Everyone except the people who were protesting started moving to the other side. In all this there was this guy holding a board that read "Indict Bush Now". Now only the people in the orange suits were on the other side. Now from no where a bus came into the scene. Its all happening right there, like in a movie. Now there was an announcement. "This sidewalk is closed. Anyone on the sidewalk will be arrested." No one moved. They started arresting people. Putting handcuffs, removing their masks, taking pictures, all happening right there.. and I was taking pictures.
Oh.. what a day.. saw the White House, the action, the suspense and the drama. Of course, no Obama.