Tuesday, August 25, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!!!!

25 random things about me.. Well these are the 25 random things that most of u guys don't know about me. Well this is the latest trend going on the facebook right now. So I decided to bend the rules a little bit and instead of posting in facebook I am posting it in my blog. In facebook you have to tag 5 friends and they have to write 25 random things about them. But in my blog I am tagging everyone who is reading my blog.. :) .. So go ahead and if you have a blog post 25 random things about yourself and leave me the link in the comment section.. ;) ... If you don't have a blog.. don't worry.. post the 25 things in the comment section of my blog.... ;) .....

So here we go....

1. My middle name is Kalyan. Though it was my first name, which my parents gave me, my grandmother named me Gokul. And my parents kept both the names.. Hence Gokul Kalyan Potluri.

2. The first day while learning how to drive I drove my Dad's car over the divider to the other side of the road.

3. I once drew a picture of a dinosaurs, named it "Our History Teacher", and stuck it to our Principal's saree but never got caught.

4. I can speak 5 different languages fluently and can understand 2 other languages.

5. The oldest memory I have is the one when my uncle slapped me for trying to light a cigarette from his pack.. I was 3.

6. I love trains. Real and toys. Always wanted to have a toy train setup at home.

7. I once accidentally set my maternal grandmother's house on fire.... I was 4.

8. I love to travel. I have been to 26 states in the United States and to places where I never thought I would.

9. I have a photographic memory. I don't easily forget anything.

10. The first time I went to a dentist when I was 8, I cried so loud when the dentist brought the syringe near my mouth, that 2 other kids who where next in line started crying and left. I also left without my tooth taken out.

11. I once broke my brother's chin while I was pushing him on a swing and the swing broke.

12. I am crazy about Angelina Jolie & Megan Fox.

13. I always wonder what was I in my past life, if there is one?

14. Pyramids have always amazed me. Want to go to Egypt atleast once before I die.

15. I am a Numismatist.

16. The first movie I ever saw in a theater was "Sholay". I was so scared when Gabbar cuts off Thakur's hands.

17. I never came across another Gokul till now in person.

18. I once held a loaded machine gun of an Indian Army Jawan when I was in school that was in an army base.

19. I love thrill rides.. The best being the ones I rode on the top of Stratosphere in Vegas and at the edge of the Royal Gorge in Colorado Springs.

20. I am Thanatophobic of a Heart Attack.

21. I am very careless when it comes to eating healthy and being fit.

22. I got 2nd prize in a healthy baby contest and I still have the car they gave me as the prize.

23. I have a hobby of collecting shot glasses. Its weird because I don't drink.

24. I want to get a tattoo but probably will never get one.

25. Lastly, I am a perfect Gemini.

So I bet these are some of the random things that people don't know about me ;)... So as now you read mine... you are now tagged.. so go ahead and post your 25 random things ....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Best Things in Life!!!!

Life is so short but yet there are so many cool good things that are there in life.. I thought of making a list of all the good things.. But the list seemed too big and never ending.. So with life so short and so many good things, I thought to take the time to live it... Life changes on day to day basis... And sometimes it comes at you fast.. :).. So I decided to make a shorter list and name it "Best Things in Life".Well experiences may vary but I guess lot of people will agree with me on this list.

So here's the list.....(Top 10)
  • 1. Falling in Love.. (Hell of an experience..)..
  • 2. To wake up and realize that you can sleep for another hour (But ended up sleeping for another 3)..
  • 3. Smile at yourself and realize that people around you are looking at you.. (Oops..)..
  • 4. To find money in the jacket you wore last winter... ( I bet everyone agrees)..
  • 5. A phone call at the middle of the night.. (Of course depends on who calls..)..
  • 6. Meet an old friend and see that they didn't change... (Some do change)..
  • 7. Waiting to hear from someone special.... (Always one eye on the phone)..
  • 8. Wake up everyday and see the sun rise... (Ok.. don't judge me..)..
  • 9. A SMS that read "My sweetest memory - Our meeting."..(.....)..
  • 10.Last but not the least... Spend time with someone who makes you forget time.. (why can't there be another 5 or 6 hours in a day)..
So this is my list for the best things in life... and of course they are free.... What are yours??

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Hi frnds..
Today is the 63nd Independence day of India. And celebrating it away from home sucks.. Been like 5 years since I was in India the last time it was August the 15th. There is no flag hosting here in US in the way it is in India... Missing India on this wonderful day!!!!!!

I still remember the days when I was in school and we had to go to school though it was a national holiday. We had to dress in white. Stand in line.. Either the chief guest or the principal will host the flag... We sang Jana Gana Mana... which is the National Anthem and then some programs.. and finally couple of sweets. It was such fun.

Though its not the same here but people celebrating this day in US try to bring back that home-like feeling. I have been in Dallas for 5 years and the Indian community in and around Dallas celebrate this day on the weekend. Its termed "Anand Bazaar Mela". It is always a pleasure to see the crowd in a mela style. But every year some thing came up and I wasn't able to go to see the Anand Bazaar. Hope fully will go this year.

Whether I am there or not... The day brings joy and happiness in me.... Wish you all a Happy Independence day !!!!! Jai Hind!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Friendship Day !!!

The first Sunday of August is officially celebrated as the friendship day all over the world. And that day is today.. I wish all my friends Happy Friendship Day.. Thanks you all who know me, yet love me.. :) Enjoy the day guys... HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY...

A nice pictorial representation of why its important to have friends...