Hey guys,
This is my first post.
I am a big fan of Cricket. But over the last one week I am so disappointed that I wish I should have never loved cricket. The Sydney test match between Australia vs India ended in a disaster. The test that will be remembered for all the bad moments but none for good. Lot of bad feelings for both the sides, umpiring "errors", sledging, racism remarks... Oh My God.. what has cricket come to?? I keep reading all the articles and comments from people on different sites, fourms, blogs and all I see is statements filled with hate for the person on the opposite side. I have been across so many blogs, newspaper columns, fourms but lately I cam
e across a couple of posts those made me write this.

The Courier-Mail, an Australian newspaper published a picture of Australian Cricketer Andrew Symonds with his face superimposed on Lord Hanuman's body on Monday, 7 January 2008. "Symonds is just Divine; That's no Monkey" ran the caption on the photograph in the Courier Mail.
In another fourm regarding the T-shirts that are being sold in India over the racism issue. This was posted in the newspaper"TheAustralian." http://media.theaustralian.com.au/multimedia/2008/01/09-tshirts/index.html. At first I thought these are funny but I thought over it twice and feel something is not right. Is this what Cricket is all about? Is this how game is played? I am not sure. But I really feel bad about all this. Hopefully people will leave behind all this at some point of time and forget all that has happend in the 2nd test but there will always be a little bitter taste left in the mouths of both the sides which will be always there everytime when these "Titans" Clash in future. Hopefully the next time the Oz tours India they better not have Symonds in their 16.
good work dada
ReplyDeleteWell, it is nice start - keep writing .....
ReplyDeleteGood work mate..
ReplyDeleteGood work bro but this is cheatin my life is my caption hahah :)
ReplyDeletesymonds should tour to India next time and must face Indian crowd, u can't do mistakes and run away....I used to admire aussie team but not any more, i feel even Pakistani's play in good spirit than Aussies.
ReplyDeleteThe worst part is they still believe they have taken those cathes correctly, wat a PITTY