Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Baseball Game

So this trip to Baltimore has been a little productive for me. I have been on my first train ride, first cab ride and last night first baseball game. I went to a baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and New York Yankees last night here in Baltimore and that too for free.

Well we are staying at this place in Baltimore called the Children's House. They had some tickets and offered us and we went. It was under lights and it was awesome. The game was almost a sellout. So much crowd. People shouting, drinking, cheering, booing, all kinds of people. Well we got almost the perfect seats. Nice view to the ground. I wish I was watching Cricket for a view like that.

Although there was a baseball ballpark very near to where I went to school in Arlington, but never really got a chance to go and see a Texas Rangers game. Always thought can go some other time. But somehow we never had time to go or something. I guess if something is near to our place we just keep it aside or later (Well my roommates always thought I never came along anywhere with them which of course is not true).

Anyhow, so went to the game last night. Had a lot of fun. Took some nice snaps. Cheered with the home crowd (Well now I am having a sore throat, hadn't have shouted that much). It was fun then and pain now :).

So now next game to go is to an American Football Game. Hopefully I will in this year. And hopefully Dallas Cowboys.


  1. Too much man. Having fun ha!

    Good to see that you are blogging like a pro these days.

  2. Yep dude.. a little fun.. and thanks for the remarks.:P

  3. Warning: People don't believe in this blogger. What ever has been posted on this blog is not entirely true, especially "(Well my roommates always thought I never came along anywhere with them which of course is not true)"

    This guy is misusing the e-media, if he continues to do that....he might have to face severe consequences.

    P.S: Don't say I didn't warn u

  4. @ Venki
    Very funny... Mr. Venki. :P But everything on the blog is true.

  5. Hope you enjoyed the game. What else first's this trip will bring to you??
